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Stomlinje Challenge

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A few weeks before the sports vacation (week 9), I got the idea of taking on the challenge of taking all of SL's "Stomlinje" which are basically buses that are painted in blue and meant to be bones of the bus network in Stockholm County.
I remember how I tried to fit in the times for a trip like this a few years ago, but no matter how I tried, I couldn't fit in the times. And when I tried to fit in the times this time, it didn't work either, so I was forced to cheat and allowed the use of other bus lines than stomlinjer and also the subway network (note that the last time I tried to plan it, bus 173, 176, 471, and 474 either didn't exist or didn't belong to the stomlinje-network).
But after about three tries, I managed to fit in the times and the only condition was that this trip had to be executed on a Friday since the last bit of the challenge, 676 to Norrtälje, has it's last departure at 02:10 instead of the regular 01:10 (even though that didn't matter which we'll see later on). After having made the schedule, I asked one of my friend whether he wanted to complete the challenge with me and he answered a direct yes.
Generally speaking, the trip went according to schedule until Skarpnäck with 173 when we managed to catch the previous 172, i.e. making us 15 minutes ahead of schedule. Then at Gustavsbergs centrum on the way to Orminge, we managed to be another 15 minutes ahead of schedule when we caught the previous 422. And eventually we arrived at Norrtälje busstation exactly 60 minutes ahead of schedule. After having arrived at Norrtälje, it was "just" 3 hours waiting time until the first bus to Stockholm (Danderyd) would depart...

For the complete schedule, click here!
For a simple map I drew of the Stomlinje-network, click here!

This page was created on 2006/11/27 and was last updated on Wednesday, March 07, 2007 18:26

Picture of the Week:


Week 29

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