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Today is going to be a long day. I will start the day by taking Roslagsbanan to Kårsta and there bus 665 to Vallentuna Station. There I will take a round on bus 660 before going on bus 662 around Markim and Grana area.

After this I will be going to Upplands Väsby by bus 524 and wait there for about a hour to see if I have luck and see a X60 and eventually take it. But if I don't, then I will take the commuter train, just one stop, to Rotebro and there change to bus 560 to Kalhäll.

At Kalhäll, I will be taking bus 548 to Stäket (Kajsas Hof) and back to Kalhäll. Then the commuter train again, just one stop, to Kungsängen. And there take bus 557 to Sigtuna Busstation.

From Sigtuna Busstation I will take bus 570 to Hällsboskolan, which is only 10 minutes away from Sigtuna Busstation and back to Märsta. And then the day ends by taking the boring commuter train all the way to Stockholms Central, although there is the slightest chance that it might a X60, and home


Here are the pictures:

The day starts like usual, taking bus 40 from Lektorsstigen.

Then I changed to the subway at Universitetet Norra and took it to Tekniska Högskolan.


After arriving at Tekniska Högskolan, I walked over to the Roslagsbanan station, Stockholms Östra. Today is the first day that Roslagsbanan runs back here to Stockholm, comparing to earlier, where it ended at Mörby for the last month.


And after about 55 minutes I arrived at Kårsta. The train was a few minutes late since the speed between Stockholm and Stocksund is currently set down to 40 kph instead of the earlier 80 kph.


Now I have to find Kårsta Torg. The truth is that I have no idea where it is and it takes three minutes by bus from the station to Torg. So I'm hopping that it's not so far.

But luckily it wasn't. It took about 5 or 8 minutes to walk there. And it was so quiet over there!!!


And it's time for the first route. Bus 665 from Kårsta Torg to Vallentuna Station Västra. Note that the destination plate does not work on this bus, or on any bus that has BussPC installed. This is the one day where the city buses were better than the suburb buses since non of the city buses has got BussPC yet!


And after about 30-35 minutes and me being the only passenger onboard, I arrived at Vallentuna Station.


Now it's time to take bus 660. This bus is a bit like the stadstrafiken or the local bus in Vallentuna, even though there were only three passengers onboard including me.

I know for a fact that this bus's last stop is Vallentuna Station Östra, but I have no idea where that is, but I knew that it had to be somewhere close to the Roslagsbanan station, otherwise it wouldn't be called Vallentuna Station Östra.


Now time for bus 662. The driver of this bus first refused to allow me to go on since I'm just taking one round with it. But then as time went, he allowed me to get on.


Not surprisingly, we arrived five minutes early, here at Markims Erikslund. The driver had a cigarette brake while I took a few pictures.


And we are back after about 60 minutes with me being the only passenger on the bus again. The driver told me that he is going to driver bus 663 now and he just complained about that route...


After a 20 something minutes wait, the bus 524 finally came, a few minutes early that is. So I took this bus up to Upplands Väsby Station.

There I stayed and waited and waited and waited, but had no luck of seeing any X60s. So another hour wasted.


Now it's time to take the commuter train to Rotebro and there changed to bus 560 to Kalhälls Station.


Now time for bus 548 to Stäket. This journey was pretty boring and felt really long...


The bus left immediately after I got off at Stäket so I wasn't so sure about what I should do since I thought that bus would be driving back to Kaläll, bus apparently not.

So I waited and waited and eventually start worrying. The bus was suppose to have came 7 minutes ago, but still didn't come. So I started walking towards Kälhäll, but just about a few hundred meters later, I saw a bus rushing to Stäket, so I knew that that bus would be the one. And it was. I took it to Klhäll and there took the commuter train to Kungsängen.


And from Kungsängen I took bus 558 to Brunna, Textilvägen.


And here is the bus which I took to Brunna and back to Kungsängen.


Afterwards I took bus 557 to Sigtuna Busstation.


Time for the last destination, Hällsboskolan.


And here we are at Hällsboskolan. I wanted to take this bus back, but then met a quite nice driver. So I took the ten minutes later bus.


Here is the bus I took back to Märsta.


From Märsta I took the commuter train to Stockholms Central and there subway to Universitetet and bus 40 to Lektorsstigen.


This page was created on 20050809 and was last updated on Sunday, December 23, 2007 18:35





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