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During December 2002, 3 fuel cell buses arrived at Stockholm as part of a project known as CUTE. These 3 buses was first set in traffic on a free route in central Stockholm. Then, after a year, it was set into regular traffic on bus 66.

Now, 2 years later, it was time to return these buses back to Germany, where it was manufactured.

The very last departure for this bus was 16:50 from Reimersholme on November 17th 2005. I started my journey from Sofia, with the 16:10 bus (the same one); to my surprise, there were already other bus enthusiasts which was already on the bus!

Anyways, here comes some really bad quality pictures of the Fuel Cell Bus, Busslink 5501.


There were a few other people standing at Tengdahlsgatan when the bus came as you could see on the picture. This bus came 5 minutes late due to the chatting going on between the driver and the bus enthusiasts.


I wasn't really in the mood of taking pictures inside the bus. But anyways, I took one picture as you could see



Then we arrived at Reimersholme, about 10 minutes late. Everyone ran out to take pictures of the bus, and I was able to take a few. Here are two of the best ones.


And after a 40 something minute bumpy ride with bunch of talking we finally arrived at Sofia, Tengdahlsgatan again. Busslink sent out an extra 66 running on this bus's schedule in case if this one was last, which did happen. We arrived at Tengdahlsgatan with about 10-15 minutes delay, but no one cared about it.


Then while most of the people took that bus to the garage nearby for a visit, I had to go home to study for the Science Biology test which is tomorrow (Friday)! It would have been a good opportunity to go to the garage, but the test was just too important to underestimate.

So I took bus 2 to Slussen, subway to Universitetet and bus 40 home..


Farewell Fuel Cell Buses, hope that we will see you again in the coming decade.


This page was created on 20051118 and was last updated on Sunday, December 23, 2007 18:26





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